Van's Trailing Edge Kit - Part 2 - 2nd Attempt
One more practice kit before I start working on my RV-10. Here I wanted to build another trailing edge to see if I had learned anything from my first attempt. This time around I started by removing the blue film only over the rivet lines. Once the soldering iron gets to the right temperature (level 4 setting on mine), film removal is pretty easy. Parts prepared and ready to drill and rivet Match-drilling the skin stiffeners A vise is also very useful if working alone. Clamping parts in place makes for a much easier time when riveting those parts together. Trailing edge skeleton ready to rivet Match-drilling the skins I think I could have done a better job when drilling the trailing edge wedge, as the wedge was not clamped flush with the forward edge of the skins. It actually was a little behind the forward edge, and that resulted in some issues (discussed later) when riveting the trailing edge together. I also didn't have a lot of success riveting the rib rivets closest to the tr