Mid Fuse Bulkheads 25-1 to 25-3-4, 25-5-1 to 25-5-8, 25-7-1 to 25-7-3, 25-8-1 to 25-8-5

It's time to start work on the fuselage. The first section in the fuselage plans involves assembly of the mid fuselage bulkheads. After locating all the parts required, I started working on the first of the four bulkheads. All bulkhead parts located, and ready to be worked on. As always, I debur all edges of a part before I start working on it First steps involve creation of two stiffener angles that will be attached to the ends of the center section bulkhead spar Angle is clamped flush with the end of the center section bulkhead spar... ... and match drilled to #30 Match drilling in progress, using a drill stop to minimize chances of any mishaps Next various nutplate screw holes in the center section bulkhead side channels were countersunk for the head of a #8 screw. Countersinking nutplate screw holes for a #8 screw. Given the thickness of this piece, I used an additional piece of angle with a #19 hole to act as a pilot for the countersink bit. This resulted in perfectly round c...