Priming - Wing Aileron 21-7-6 and Aileron Trim OP38-2-5

Having gotten the ailerons up to the point of final assembly, I went ahead and primed the remaining parts which included just the nose skins and the spars. I also threw in the aileron trim parts that I recently started working on (more on this in an upcoming post), and priming all these did not take much time.

More parts ready to prime

Aileron and aileron trim parts ready for primer after being cleaned with EkoEtch

Aileron nose skins and spars primed...

... along with aileron trim brackets and other small parts

Primer used:  ~68g + 7g distilled water 

Time Taken:     2.3 hours

Dates:                October 5 2024 - October 6 2024

RV-10 Build Total Time:    815.1 hours

Priming Total Time:             102.2 hours (not included in build time totals)