Wing Flap 22-5-5 to 22-7-1

In between priming sessions, I continued on flap tasks where priming was not required, the main one being countersinking the trailing edge wedge holes. I decided to use a drill press here as I had done previously (rather than handholding the drill) as I felt I had better control and more consistent countersinks.

Pieces clamped to the drill press table while drilling

Countersinks came out nicely at the correct depth for a dimpled #40 hole

Four trailing edge wedge pieces countersunk and ready for installation

Next I riveted together the nose rib pieces and hinge brackets These were all easily done with the pneumatic squeezer..

Inboard nose ribs riveted to doublers, along with a nutplate where specified

Hinge bracket parts riveted together with good separation between the rivet shop heads

Double flush riveting went well with the pneumatic squeezer, with hardware temporarily installed to maintain hinge hole alignment on the bracket pieces

After riveting the nose rib and hinge parts together, I reassembled the flap skeletons in preparation for riveting the ribs and brackets to the spars.

Flap skeletons taking shape

Time Taken:     6.9 hours

Dates:                July 17 - July 23 2024

Wing Flap Total Time:        47.9 hours
RV-10 Build Total Time:   772.7 hours

Priming Total Time:                     91.7 hours (not included in build time totals)