Wing Outboard Leading Edge (Left) 17-4-2 to 17-4-5

After completing riveting of the left wing top skins, I moved the saw horses around to make room for the left outboard leading edge. 

With some help I clecoed the leading edge to the main spar web and flanges. The leading edge went on relatively easily, but I did use skin pins in places to ensure that the holes were lined up as accurately as possible. 

Left outboard leading edge placed under the left wing, ready to be lifted into position

Leading edge cleacoed in place with a combination of regular clecoes and skin pins

Top skin and leading edge skin edges lined up nicely along the top of the wing

Tie down hole also lined up perfectly with the tie down attached to the spar

Next I used pull rivets to attach the leading edge ribs to the main spar web for all except the inboard most rib. Instead of using a double offset rivet set for the inboard rib where I had previously run into clearance issues on the right leading edge, this time I used a single offset rivet set that I had recently purchased

The single offset rivet set has a 10 degree offset which eliminates the clearance issues. However, due to the higher pressure requirements to drive the 4-7 rivets, I still ended up with some minor deformation on one edge of the universal manufactured heads (much less than I had seen with the double offset rivet set), so I was happier with the end result. In any case, I still applied primer over the manufactured heads for extra protection as I had done on the right leading edge.

Single offset rivet set held in the rivet gun with self-fusing silicone tape

Leading edge inboard rib rivets after bucking. Some minor deformation on one side of the manufactured heads due to a sideways force from the offset rivet set.

Shop heads looked perfect though!

Squeezing and bucking of the leading edge skin to main spar flanges was easily accomplished with my daughter's help

Left outboard leading edge fully riveted to the main spar completing section 17 of the build!

Time Taken:     3.3 hours 

Dates:                June 28 - June 30 2024

Wing Outboard Leading Edge Total Time:      56.0 hours
RV-10 Build Total Time:                                   739.7 hours

Priming Total Time:                     83.6 hours (not included in build time totals)