Priming - Aileron Nose Ribs and Main Ribs 21-3-6

With the aileron nose and main ribs and associated parts drilled and countersunk, I decided to take advantage of the cooler late afternoon to prime everything.

Getting ready to EkoEtch the aileron ribs. I split the ribs and parts into 4 unique groups that would make it easy to keep matching parts together without having to tag them

AIleron ribs and parts after cleaning and etching

Priming went quickly and all parts were left to cure for a while

Primer used:  ~55g + 5g distilled water

Time Taken:     1.9 hours

Dates:                May 11 2024

RV-10 Build Total Time:    674.8 hours

Priming Total Time:             81.9 hours (not included in build time totals)