Wing Outboard Leading Edge (Left) 17-3-13 to 17-3-14

Moving on to working again on the left wing,  I reassembled the left outboard leading edge and started riveting it together in the same way I had done the right leading edge. Everything went together smoothly and somewhat quicker since I already knew what to expect.

Left outboard leading edge after riveting using the same techniques as the right leading edge, with remaining blue plastic removed

Inboard rib rivet bucked along the aft edges and squeezed along the curved forward edges

Shop heads are all sized to spec

Top side of left outboard leading edge

Bottom side of left outboard leading edge

Time Taken:     9.2 hours 

Dates:                May 14 - May 24 2024

Wing Outboard Leading Edge Total Time:      52.7 hours
RV-10 Build Total Time:                                   688.2 hours

Priming Total Time:                     81.9 hours (not included in build time totals)