Wing Ribs (Left Wing) 14-5-1 to 14-6-1

To close out section 14 of the plans, I riveted and bolted the left wing ribs to the left main spar. No challenges here as I had already completed the same on the right wing a few weeks ago.

Ribs riveted to the main spar. Note there are 5 rivets holding each W-1011 rib in place and 6 rivets holding the W-1010 rib in place

W-1012 ribs riveted to main spar. There are 8 rivets holding each rib in place

W-1010 and W-1011 ribs will also have bolts holding them to the spar. These will be installed next.

W-1012 ribs only have rivets holding them in
10" extension on the torque wrench came in very handy to get squarely onto the nut for accurate torquing. The second 1/4" socket wrench with 3/8" socket was used to hold the bolt firmly while tightening.

Inboard wing ribs riveted and bolted in one at a time, starting with the most outboard rib

Note the bottom bolt in the inboard W-1010 wing rib uses 2 washers as opposed to the one washer on all the other wing bolts. This is noted in the plans, but can easily be overlooked.

Time Taken:    3.6 hours

Dates:               March 23 2024 - March 27 2024

Wing Ribs Total Time:                 47.5 hours
RV-10 Build Total Time:            623.7 hours

Priming Total Time:                     64.1 hours (not included in build time totals)