Priming - Tail Cone Aft Top Skin and Static Line Attachment Brackets 10-17-3

As I'm getting close to riveting the top of the tail cone, I decided to finish priming the remaining few pieces of this section that require priming. This was a quick priming session in which I primed the aft top skin, and the static line attachment brackets that I had fabricated.

Top skin and brackets taped and ready to clean and etch

Top skin and brackets after etching

Top skin and brackets after application of primer

Primer used:  ~100g + 10g distilled water

Time Taken:     1.3 hours

Dates:                May 24 - May 27 2023

RV-10 Build Total Time:    389.1 hours

Priming Total Time:           42.5 hours (not included in build time totals)