Priming - Elevator Trim Tabs 9-17-7

As I have some additional work coming up on the elevator trim tabs, I decided it would be a good time to prime all these pieces. The main reason for priming these now is that I will next need to bend the trim tabs to their final positions. Once that is done, it will be very difficult to prime inside the trim tabs, so better do it now while the skin interiors are more accessible.

Trim tab parts taped and ready for EkoEtch

Parts prepared with EkoEtch. I also etched the close out tab sides that will sit on the inside.

Everything primed with EkoPrime

Primer used ~40g + 4g distilled water

Time Taken:     1.6 hours

Dates:                December 11 2022

RV-10 Build Total Time:    227.6 hours

Priming Total Time:           26.4 hours (not included in build time totals)