
Showing posts from July, 2023

Wing Main Spar 13-3-1 to 13-3-3

The next few steps in preparing the spars have you countersinking all the (hundreds of )holes to various depths, and riveting tank attach and access panel nutplates in place.  First off, I reamed all remaining 3/32" holes to #40 (those that I had not previously drilled) as they are all slightly undersized. I continued by clamping the spar on its side, and taping off any areas where metal chips could enter which would then be difficult to remove.  Spar clamped to workbench and any areas where metal chips could fall in are taped off with masking tape I then countersunk all the nutplate attach rivet holes for tank attachment and access panels to flush rivet depth. I also countersunk the 7 rib to spar attach rivet holes that were in line with the tank attach nutplates to flush rivet depth on each spar flange (28 holes in total). Countersinking nutplate attach rivet holes to flush depth. I used a rivet to test each and every holes as I drilled to ensure that the countersink cage wa...

Wing Main Spar 13-1 to 13-2-8, 13-4-6

As I finish up the tail cone (with the required help to set the last few remaining rivets), I decided to start on construction of the wings, so I pulled out the spars from storage, laid them down on the workbench and removed them from the plastic bagging. Upon detailed examination, the spars and anodized coating look great.  There is a small scratch (1/8" wide) in the coating on one of the spars that appears to have been made before the spars were shipped, but after checking with Van's builder support they recommended just smoothing it out and spot priming that area, so I will do that when I spot prime other parts of the spar after drilling. I also labelled each spar to easily identify the top/bottom and forward/aft sides. Spars (and other wing parts) laid out prior to starting wing construction The first part of wing construction involves preparing the spar to accept wing ribs, skins and other attachments. This begins with attaching spar extensions to the ends of each spar, t...